Murray County's Hospital for Over Fifty Years
Arbuckle Memorial Hospital is located in Sulphur, Oklahoma adjacent to the town of Davis, and nestled in the beautiful lake area of the Arbuckle Mountain Region. Our mission; To meet the healthcare needs of Murray County with compassion and care.
Since 1959, Arbuckle Memorial has provided quality health care to the families of Murray County and other visitors. Caring, highly-qualified physicians and nurses provide much needed inpatient and outpatient services. Our hospital serves over 12,000 patients every year. Contact us now! Since 1959, Arbuckle Memorial has provided quality health care to the families of Murray County and the thousands of visitors drawn to this recreational area each year. In addition to being an award winning health care facility, Arbuckle Memorial Hospital is also one of the area's largest employers. Caring, highly-qualified physicians and nurses provide much needed inpatient and outpatient services. Our hospital serves over 12,000 patients every year.

Updated Visitation Policy Effective 01/05/2022
Murray County Healthcare Foundation
Mission: To enhance the quality of healthcare of Murray County through financial support to Arbuckle Memorial Hospital.
The Murray County Healthcare Foundation (MCHF) is a non-profit 501(c)3 tax deductible corporation, formed in Dec. 2006 by a group of caring individuals. It was organized to operate exclusively for charitable purposes to benefit healthcare in Murray County through donations to Arbuckle Memorial Hospital.
The foundation is governed by a Board of Directors, made up of community members. This Board oversees the management of all contributions ensuring they are used for their intended purpose of improving the healthcare in Murray County.
MCHF welcomes your gift in any amount. To make a gift or receive additional information about giving opportunities, please contact the foundation office.
P.O. BOX 1138
Memorial And Honorarium Gifts
Do you ever have trouble finding just the right gift? A memorial or honor gift is a caring way to remember or honor family members and friends.
Honor giving allows you to recognize milestones like anniversaries or birthdays with a gift that truly keeps giving. It is always the perfect size and the answer for someone who has everything.
Even after death your friends and loved ones live on in your thoughts. What better way to remember them than with a gift that offers hope and health to others?
When you make an honor or memorial gift, the individual or family will be immediately notified of your thoughtfulness. A special card will be sent to the person(s) you wish to honor or remember, indicating that you have remembered them in this special way. Contributors and their honorees will also be recognized in the Memorial/Tribute Book located in the front lobby of the hospital. The amount of your contribution will be kept confidential.
All honor and memorial gifts help equip the new Arbuckle Memorial Hospital while allowing you to recognize individuals important to you.
Please click on the link for the Memorial/Honorarium Form.
Arbuckle Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
The Auxiliary is an important part of the life of AMH. Several volunteers work many hours in the Auxiliary Gift Shop, greeting people at the Information Desk, distributing flowers and newspapers, checking patients in during the Outpatient Clinics and offering a friendly smile or kind word to patients and their families. Being a volunteer is a rewarding experience. All ages are invited to volunteer and young adults ages 13 - 18 can also participate in the Volunteen Program. All proceeds that the Auxiliary raises are donated back to the hospital for equipment. To volunteer your services, please call 580.622.2161.
Listed below are shops that you can call to order flowers or gifts for patients:
Arbuckle Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Gift Shop 580-622-8221
Barbara's Flowers 580-622-6270
Blooming Boutique Flowers & Gifts 580-369-2773
All About Flowers 580-369-0897
BLOOM 580-618-5434
Arbuckle Memorial Hospital is committed to providing price transparency to our patients. Follow the 'Price Transparency' link below to view hospital charge information and generate patient cost estimates.